Hi people!! hope you liked the new layout of my blog! As the saying goes "A penny saved is a penny earned", "chutte paise(change)" is what we MUMBAIKARS face severe penury of.. Let me begin with an incident in my college ki savari "TMT"
>passenger 1: oo master..ek passport office dya (gives him a Rs 20 note)
[the actual fare is Rs. 17.50]
>bus conductor: hey ghya (gives him the ticket and returns Rs. 2..actually he had to return him Rs. 2.50)
>passenger 1: master mazhe pannas paise dhya..
>bus conductor: sutte nahi aahet..challa gapp basa..
>passenger 1: oooo MASTER...mazhe 50 paise dhyaaaa!!!!!!
(the fellow pessenger started giving side commentary)..jaane do naa bhai..50 paise ki hi to baat hai..
The point behind stating this conversation is ummmm ok! one more example our most trusted newspaper THE TIMES OF INDIA costs Rs. 4.50..when you give Rs. 5 to the vendor he gives you the newspaper and stays quiet, when you ask him..BOSS 50 paise!!!! he will give you a weird look.
People, we have started earning in lakhs, so basically we don't know the importance of a 50 paise..NO NO..don't take me the other way round I m not miser..or kanjooos as you may say. I just want to highlight the fact that even the 50 paise coin holds a value.
If the bus conductor or the newspaper vendor says the same thing to 20 different people, he gets the EXTRA Rs. 10 in his pocket. Similarly 2 crores of 50 paise coins can lead to Rs. 1 crore Y??? can't we retaliate?? I also think that it is on the part of the government to either keep a track of such nuances or fix the prices of bus fares to a round off value.
We never know the value of something until it is no more..go and ask someone for 50 paise on the street of Mumbai and he or she will reply you with a MIDDLE FINGER!
A piece of advice especially for my engineer friends..soon we are going to earn in lakhs and millions and billions may be,if the almighty is kind enough..DO KEEP A NOTE ..Of SUCH SMALL ISSUES..So!!!..the next time when a bus conductor or newspaper vendor refuses to return that 50 paise..DEMAND IT!!!..
i feel dis is so true cz even small small amt's add up 2 a large sum "BOOND BOOND SE GHAT BHARTA HAI" so m standin up 4 d same :)